On June 8th, 2019, five-O fishing Charters, LLC participated in the annual Walleyes for Warriors Event that was held at the Linwood Beach Marina. We were honored to have three veterans on-board while trolling on the Saginaw Bay. The veterans landed several fish and enjoyed the camaraderie while discussing war stories. The annual event hosted over 100 boat captains and 200+ veterans. The total amount of fish caught for the day was 1683 Walleye. Volunteers cleaned the fish to give to back to the veterans and shelters.

On August 24th, 2019, five-O fishing Charters, LLC, participated in the Vets with Nets Event that was held at the Sterling State Park. We pre-fished Lake Erie the day before looking for the Walleye to put the veterans on the day of the tournament. We again had three veterans on the boat to talk about their experiences in the Army, Marines, and Navy. The day of the event, mother nature was not kind to us with 4-5 foot waves and weedy conditions. The veterans were champs and roughed lake conditions while looking for calmer waters and the fish. The veterans still managed to find their sea legs and boat some Walleye. volunteers cleaned the fish to give back to the veterans and food banks.